2022 |
Spin-Orbit Torque Switching in an All-Van der Waals Heterostructure Shin, Inseob; Cho, Won Joon; Eun-Su An; Sungyu Park; Jeong, Hyeon-Woo; Jang, Seong; Baek, Woon Joong; Park, Seong Yong; Yang, Dong-Hwan; Seo, Jun Ho; Kim, Gi-Yeop; Ali, Mazhar N.; Choi, Si-Young; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Jun Sung Kim; Kim, Sung Dug; Lee, Gil-Ho [ADVANCED MATERIALS 34, 8(2022)] Abstract |
2022 |
Steady Floquet–Andreev states in graphene Josephson junctions Park, Sein; Wonjun Lee; Jang, Seong; Choi, Yong-Bin; Park, Jinho; Jung, Woochan; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Gil Young Cho; Lee, Gil-Ho [Nature 603, 7901, 421-426(2022)] Abstract |
2022 |
Twofold van Hove singularity and origin of charge order in topological kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 Kang, Mingu; Fang, Shiang; Kim, Jeong-Kyu; Ortiz, Brenden R.; Ryu, Sae Hee; Jimin Kim; Yoo, Jonggyu; Sangiovanni, Giorgio; Di Sante, Domenico; Park, Byeong-Gyu; Jozwiak, Chris; Bostwick, Aaron; Rotenberg, Eli; Kaxiras, Efthimios; Wilson, Stephen D.; Park, Jae-Hoon; Comin, Riccardo [NATURE PHYSICS 18, 3, 301-308(2022)] Abstract |
2022 |
Creation and annihilation of mobile fractional solitons in atomic chains Jae Whan Park; Euihwan Do; Sun Kyu Song; Stetsovych, Oleksandr; Jin Sung Shin; Jelinek, Pavel; Han Woong Yeom [Nature Nanotechnology 17, 3, 244-249(2022)] Abstract |
2022 |
Z3Charge Density Wave of Silicon Atomic Chains on a Vicinal Silicon Surface Euihwan Do; Jae Whan Park; Stetsovych, Oleksandr; Jelinek, Pavel; Han Woong Yeom [ACS Nano 16, 4, 6598-6604(2022)] Abstract |
2022 |
Many-body quadrupolar sum rule for higher-order topological insulators Wonjun Lee; Gil Young Cho; Kang, Byungmin [Physical Review B 105, 15(2022)] Abstract |
2022 |
Resistivity of Surface Steps in Bulk-Insulating Topological Insulators Ko, Wonhee; Hus, Saban; Hoil Kim; Jun Sung Kim; Zhang, Xiao-Guang; Li, An-Ping [FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS 9(2022)] Abstract |
2022 |
Chiral anomaly in noncentrosymmetric systems induced by spin-orbit coupling Cheon, Suik; Gil Young Cho; Kim, Ki-Seok; Lee, Hyun-Woo [Physical Review B 105, 18(2022)] Abstract |