48 |
포항은 EUV용 감광액 국산화 전초기지 |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2019-07-17 |
4405 |
47 |
CALDES Annual 2018 |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2019-05-21 |
3771 |
46 |
CALDES Member's Map as of April, 2019 |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2019-04-01 |
3694 |
45 |
Status Report (2013-2017) _ IBS center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2019-01-03 |
3622 |
44 |
국내 기초과학 경쟁력 IBS 연구단 세계 최고 수준 도달 |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2018-12-29 |
5944 |
43 |
2018 국가연구개발 우수연구성과 100선 선정 |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2018-11-13 |
4579 |
42 |
CALDES Member's Map as of October, 2018 |
관리자 |
2018-11-05 |
4173 |
41 |
[TEDxKFAS] Nano Tsunami for Loss-Less Delivery of Information | Han Woong Yeom |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2018-10-29 |
971 |
40 |
Nobel Science_노벨상에 도전하는 한국과학자_염한웅 |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2018-10-18 |
5424 |
39 |
반도체에 빛 쏘면 스스로 도핑… |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2018-09-27 |
6597 |
38 |
10th IBS Research _ CALDES _ 2018-09-03 |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2018-09-03 |
3941 |
37 |
South Korea Science needs restructuring _ Nature_News & Comment by Han Woong Yeom |
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems |
2018-07-26 |
3623 |