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[Seminar]Prof.Shaowei LI (Univ. of California, San Diego) Prof.Shaowei LI (Univ. of California, San Diego) November 2(Thu) - November 2(Thu), 2023 AM 10:30 Room#104-Auditorium, IBS POSTECH Campus |
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[Seminar]Prof. Myung Joon Han (KAIST) 2023 CALDES Science Meeting_Seminar_09.26.(Tue) Prof. Myung Joon Han (KAIST) September 26(Tue) - September 26(Tue), 2023 PM 04:30 Room#104-Auditorium, IBS POSTECH Campus |
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[Seminar]Prof.Myungchul Oh (POSTECH) Prof.Myungchul Oh (POSTECH) September 21(Thu) - September 21(Thu), 2023 PM 3:00 Room#104-Auditorium, IBS POSTECH Campus |
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3rd IBS Conference on Surface Atomic Wires and 2nd IBS-RIKEN STM Workshop August 21(Mon) - August 25(Fri), 2023 Lahan Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea file 3. transportation information_3rd ibs conference on surface atomic wire.pdf |
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[Seminar]Prof.Wilson Ho 2023 IBS-CALDES Seminar_8.18.(Fri) Prof.Wilson Ho August 18(Fri) - August 18(Fri), 2023 AM 10:30 Room#104-Auditorium, IBS POSTECH Campus |
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2023 Quantum Materials for the Post-Si Era July 31(Mon) - August 2(Wed), 2023 IBS POSTEHC Campus |
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The 14th Summer School of Condensed Matter Physics July 17(Mon) - August 4(Fri), 2023 On-line |
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2023 Quantum Magnetism and Topology June 27(Tue) - June 29(Thu), 2023 Lahan Hotel, Pohang, Korea |
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2023 Science Meeting Poster session June 16(Fri) - June 16(Fri), 2023 PM 12:00~15:00 Auditorium 104, IBS POSTECH Campus |
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[Seminar]Prof.Dongseok Suh (Ewha Womans Univ.) 2023 CALDES Science Meeting_Seminar_05.22.(Mon) Prof.Dongseok Suh (Ewha Womans Univ.) May 22(Mon) - May 22(Mon), 2023 PM 4:00 Room #104-Auditorium IBS POSTECH Campus |