"Founded in November 2011 by Korea Government, the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) supports basic research within the entire range of natural sciences including physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, earth science, and astronomy by providing highly advanced, supportive, self-direct research environments."
IBS invites applications for the positions of Associate Directors who are senior-level researchers with high research potentials, running own research group in collaboration with the directors within their Research Centers.
- 1. Introduction of the research center
- CALDES was established in June 1st, 2013 under the directorship of Prof. Han Woong Yeom with government endeavor to boost high-level basic science research in Korea.
- CALDES is located inside Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) an elite private research university at the seaport city of Pohang, Korea.
- CALDES is one of 17 centers belonging to the IBS with its goal to create new atomic scale low dimensional materials which host exotic low dimensional electronic systems and to discover new physics and functionality within them. Various two dimensional (2D) atomic crystals, 1D and 2D self-assembled/crystallized systems on surfaces, layered compounds and their hetero-structures, 1D/2D organic crystals and their hybrids are among the materials to be investigated.
- For more information, visit http://caldes.ibs.re.kr/
- 2. Job description
- Materials Physics Group Associate Director
- - Functions as independent Materials Physics Group with a high level collaboration within the
- - Grows high-quality atomic-scale 1D/2D materials as the model artificial low D electronic
systems for the entire Center.
- - Performs fundamental research on light-matter interaction in the atomic-scale 1D/2D materials.
- - In-depth understanding of both, basic research on nanoscale condensed matter and applied
research on device physics.
- Materials Chemistry Group Associate Director
- - Materials Chemistry Group Associate Director is highly expected to have strong research background and experience in the fields of 1) synthesis of high quality organic low dimensional electronic systems in forms of crystals, thin films, heterostructures, and organic/inorganic hybrids through vapor and solution phase reactions, and 2) investigation of their electrical, optical, and superconducting properties employing micro- and nano-fabricated devices.
- 3. Requirements for the position
- All candidates should have strong leadership to establish their own research programs within CALDES and to collaborate internally and externally, in particular, with Prof. Han Woong Yeom's STM/photoemission group.
- All candidates must be able to commit themselves completely in the long-term IBS research activities.
- All candidates must be able to manage their respective research groups.
- 4. Offer
- Authority to run his/her own research team.
- Sizable independent research budget.
- Tenured or permanent position.
- 5. General Selection Procedure
- ① Recruitment of applicants by public advertisement
- ② Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation
- ③ Symposium and in-depth interview by review panel
- ④ Decision by the SEC(Selection & Evaluation Committee) about recommendation
- ⑤ Negotiation with director
- ⑥ Appointment by the president
- 6. Application Submission
- 7. Download link for "Application Form" & "FAQ"